- Leetcode Note: MySQL - Employees Whose Manager Left the Company 05/10
- Leetcode Note: MySQL - Employees With Missing Information 05/06
- Leetcode Note: MySQL - The Latest Login in 2020 04/22
- Leetcode Note: MySQL - Calculate Special Bonus 04/18
- Leetcode Note: MySQL - Rearrange Products Table 04/02
- Leetcode Note: MySQL - Recyclable and Low Fat Products 03/24
- Leetcode Note: MySQL - Find Total Time Spent by Each Employee 03/20
- Leetcode Note: MySQL - Find Followers Count 03/17
- Leetcode Note: MySQL - Daily Leads and Partners 03/09
- Leetcode Note: MySQL - Fix Names in a Table 03/03
- Leetcode Note: MySQL - Customer Who Visted but Did Not Make Any Transactions 02/13
- Leetcode Note: MySQL - Patients With a Condition 02/02
- Leetcode Note: MySQL - Top Travellers 01/08
- Leetcode Note: MySQL - Reformat Department Table 11/30
- Leetcode Note: MySQL - User Activity for the Past 30 Days I 11/25
- Leetcode Note: MySQL - Sales Analysis III 11/18
- Leetcode Note: MySQL - Actors and Directors Who Cooperated at Least Three Times 11/14
- Leetcode Note: MySQL - Swap Salary 08/17
- Leetcode Note: MySQL - Not Boring Movies 08/16
- Leetcode Note: MySQL - Sales Person 08/14
- Leetcode Note: MySQL - Big Countries 08/08
- Leetcode Note: MySQL - Customer Placing the Largest Number of Orders 08/04
- Leetcode Note: MySQL - Find Customer Referee 08/03
- Leetcode Note: MySQL - Game Play Analysis I 07/20
- Leetcode Note: Mysql - Rising Temperature 05/17
- Leetcode Note: Mysql - Delete Duplicate Emails 05/16
- Leetcode Note: Mysql - Customers Who Never Order 05/11
- Leetcode Note: Mysql - Duplicate Emails 05/10
- Leetcode Note: Mysql - Employees Earning More Than Their Managers 05/10
- Leetcode Note: MySQL Combine Two Tables 05/08