Leetcode Note: Go - Shortest Distance to a Character
Shortest Distance to a Character - LeetCode
- Go 言語で取り組んだメモ
- string s, byte c が与えられる
- index i からの distance を int 配列で return する
Shortest Distance to a Character - LeetCode
Any language | Two pass | O(n), 0ms | Very easy with detailed explanation | Example on Golang - LeetCode Discuss
func shortestToChar(s string, c byte) []int {
// cache string length
var lens = len(s)
// prepare a storage for the result
// slice (or array, vector) with length equal to len(s) initialized with zeros
var res = make([]int, lens)
// current distance from last seen letter `c`
// we start with increadibly high value to show it's invalid
var dist = lens + 100
// scan from left to right, increase distance from last seen letter
// flush distance to zero at every new seen required letter
for i := 0; i < lens; i++ {
if s[i] == c {
dist = 0
res[i] = dist
// the same backwards
// but also check if we have less distance from opposite letter
for i := lens-1; i >=0; i-- {
if s[i] == c {
dist = 0
if dist < res[i] {
res[i] = dist
return res