Leetcode Note: Go - Day of the Week
Day of the Week - LeetCode
- Go 言語で取り組んだメモ
[Golang] if you don’t know Zeller’s algorithm - LeetCode Discuss
var months = map[int]int{
0: 0,
1: 31,
2: 59,
3: 90,
4: 120,
5: 151,
6: 181,
7: 212,
8: 243,
9: 273,
10: 304,
11: 334,
var weekDays = map[int]string{
0: "Monday",
1: "Tuesday",
2: "Wednesday",
3: "Thursday",
4: "Friday",
5: "Saturday",
6: "Sunday",
// 1st January 0001 - Saturday
var firstDay = 5
func dayOfTheWeek(day int, month int, year int) string {
checkLeapYear := year
// do not inlude this year
// if we don't pass February
if month <= 2 {
checkLeapYear -= 1
leapYears := (checkLeapYear / 4) - (checkLeapYear / 100) + (checkLeapYear / 400)
monthDays := months[month-1]
// we count years from 1st not from 0th
days := 365 * (year-1)
days += monthDays
days += day
days += leapYears
days += 1
return weekDays[(days+firstDay) % 7]