Leetcode Note: Go - Create Target Array in the Given Order

Count Largest Group - LeetCode

  • Go 言語で取り組んだメモ


Go with hashmap - Count Largest Group - LeetCode

```go func countLargestGroup(n int) int { m := make(map[int][]int)

for i := 1; i <= n; i++ {
    sum := sumDigit(i)
    m[sum] = append(m[sum], i)

max := -1<<63

for _, lst := range m {
    if len(lst) > max {
        max = len(lst)

count := 0 

for _, lst := range m {
    if len(lst) == max {

return count


func sumDigit(num int) int { sum := 0

for num > 0 {
    sum += num%10
    num /= 10

return sum

} ````