Leetcode Note: Go - Add Strings
Add Strings - LeetCode
- Go 言語で取り組んだメモ
- string で渡される数値を加算して string で return する
Easy to understand Go solution with []byte, 0ms - LeetCode Discuss
func addStrings(num1 string, num2 string) string {
maxLength := max(len(num1), len(num2))
// allocate an extra byte for carry, we will remove it if carry is 0
sum := make([]byte, maxLength+1)
carry := byte(0)
for i := 0; i < maxLength; i++ {
a, b := byte(0), byte(0)
if i < len(num1) {
a = atoi(num1[len(num1)-i-1])
if i < len(num2) {
b = atoi(num2[len(num2)-i-1])
s := a + b + carry
carry = s / 10
sum[len(sum)-i-1] = itoa(s % 10)
if carry > 0 {
sum[0] = '1'
} else {
sum = sum[1:]
return string(sum)
// atoi is usually used in strongly typed languages and opens as ASCII to Integer
// because in ASCII characters are represented by number in the ASCII table we can convert
// the digit character into it's number by substracting the number of the first digit in the table '0'
func atoi(a byte) byte {
return a - '0'
// Integer to ASCII
// We're performing the reverse of atoi by adding the char code of '0'
func itoa(a byte) byte {
return '0' + a
func max(a, b int) int {
if a >= b {
return a
return b
- sum: 桁上りを考慮して max length + 1 の値で byte[] を初期化
- atoi: ascii to integer
- byte 文字を受け取り
- 'a'
- byte 文字を受け取り
- itoa: integer to ascii
- byte 文字を受け取り
+ 'a'
- byte 文字を受け取り
- for loop
- num1, num2 を同じ桁ずづ計算していく
- carry が発生したら桁上りの処理を行う